Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Acne and Self Image: The Reality in the Mirror

Hello everyone. I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving holiday and that you survived your family get-togethers without any fights, food guilt or other disasters!
In my last post, I shared something that I've been dealing with for many years now: my struggle with cystic acne. Since then, I've been continuing my work on healing my body. But as I already mentioned, I don't want to get too detailed about the plan I'm doing until I have a fair view of how well it's working for me, and I believe that this process is going to take a little more time.

Instead, today I'd like to address a different part of my struggle, one that I feel has gone ignored both by me and many other people for far too long: the emotional issues surrounding acne.

When we have acne, we become masters of physical experimentation. We try every cream on the market. We mix up our own potions consisting of just about every ingredient that exists, from egg whites to avocado to honey to mud. We control our diets down to every last ingredient. We fast, we flush, we attempt to cleanse our body with herbs and soups and tonics. We develop the strength to abstain from many of the foods we once loved in a desperate effort to fix our terrible problem.

I have, anyway.

Not that any of these things are necessarily bad. I've developed an incredible amount of health and dietary knowledge (not to mention self-discipline) thanks to the pursuit of freeing myself from my skin problems. But like me, how many of you are ultra-focused on the physical while completely neglecting the emotional side of things?
read also : Acne Treatment: Types, Side Effects, and More
You may have heard of something called body dysmorphic disorder. The Mayo clinic website defines it this way:

"Body dysmorphic disorder is a type of chronic mental illness in which you can't stop thinking about a flaw with your appearance — a flaw that is either minor or imagined. But to you, your appearance seems so shameful that you don't want to be seen by anyone. Body dysmorphic disorder has sometimes been called "imagined ugliness."(1)

Now, I know what you're probably thinking. Acne isn't imagined, right? Of course it isn't. And I'm not saying that anyone who is concerned with their skin has body dysmorphic disorder (or acne dysmorphic disorder, as some call it). But a line is crossed when our desperation to heal our skin becomes a full-on obsession. This is something I have battled in the past. It's something that I still battle today.

Years ago, when my acne was at its worst, I developed anxiety so severe that I had difficulty leaving the house. I began compulsively checking my skin in the mirror, at first every hour or two, but soon every half hour, and then every fifteen minutes. It quickly developed to the point where I couldn't even make it five minutes without running to a mirror (or any other reflective surface) to see if any new spots were forming. Even getting through a day of work was extremely challenging for me, and most nights, I cried myself to sleep.

After a while, my anxiety and depression reached a point where I began contemplating suicide. My skin was not getting any better, and I couldn't live this way anymore. The possibility of a happy future was completely riding on the seemingly unlikely hope that my skin would get better, and I had long since decided that I was nothing if I was ugly. Because good things only happen to people with beautiful skin, right? No one ever falls in love with an ugly person, or gives them an award, or a great job, or a role in a movie, or a publishing deal, or anything else that could possibly be good, right? We are taught from a very young age that good things only happen to beautiful people, because that's what we see in the media and all around us: unrealistically, impossibly, flawlessly beautiful people.

At least, that's what I saw.

And the media is only one source that teaches us this distorted approach. Maybe it came from an abusive mother, or the father who abandoned you, or an ex boyfriend that was cruel to you and called you ugly over your skin. Maybe it came from the bullies at school that you dealt with when you were young. I still clearly remember the girl who stood in front of me in the third grade and listed out all of the girls in our class who she thought were prettier than me. Or the popular boy in the seventh grade who came up to me and "asked me out" as a practical joke while all of his popular friends laughed at me from a few feet away.

It doesn't matter what the source is, these types of experiences all come together over a lifetime to teach us one thing: we aren't good enough to deserve happiness or compassion. So it isn't surprising that coming down with an illness that destroys the skin on our faces will often times, make us feel worthless.

These are feelings that many of you may relate to. They are feelings that I am still dealing with to this day. In the past, when my anxiety over my skin reached a breaking point, I ended up deciding that I did indeed want to live and the only way that I could do that was to seek some sort of help. I ended up being guided toward something called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). It helped a great deal at the time, but then I was lucky enough to move into a period of clearer skin. During that time, it was easier to forget about these bad feelings and lock them up inside once again. A healthy self image is an ongoing work in progress, whether or not the physical condition that we loathe ourselves for improves. Perhaps my mistake was thinking that I had healed my self esteem when I clearly had not, since now that I've been dealing with acne again, the anxiety and obsessive thoughts have come back to bite me.

But how do we stop obsessing over our skin when it causes us physical pain, emotional discomfort and a lowered self-image?

That is a difficult question, and there is no easy answer. But there are a number of things that can help.

-EFT is an excellent tool for harnessing control of your mind, especially when it comes to managing anxiety and obsessive thoughts. This post isn't about to be about EFT itself, but there are plenty of resources out there on the net to help you learn about this wonderful therapy. I will list some links with more information, including the exact video from which I learned the process of this therapy, at the bottom of this post.

-Reaching out to others who understand just what you're going through and offering strength and support to each other is another great way to stay positive on your healing journey. There are forums for body dysmorphic disorder, forums for anxiety disorder, and forums specifically for acne sufferers, all of which are wonderful for this.

-Avoiding mirrors is another thing that can help, although it may be difficult. If you've been obsessively looking in the mirror, try challenging yourself to only checking your skin a few times per day instead of twenty. Reward yourself with something that will bring you joy each day that you do well. Forget about your setbacks.

-Focus on what you like about your body, even if you can only come up with one thing. If you can, make a list and post it somewhere you will see it every day. Every time you catch yourself obsessing over your skin, go read the list!

-Go be with friends when you are having a hard day. This one is also tough, because when most of us are feeling bad about our skin, we just want to stay inside our house and hide. If you can, force yourself to go and visit a close friend. There have been so many times where I have almost cancelled on friends because I felt bad about my skin, and every time I went out anyway, I was glad that I did. It helps so much to remember that you are cared about and that your true friends think you're lovely despite the state of your face.

-If you are still struggling and feel suicidal or otherwise unable to cope, don't be afraid to seek professional help. Obsession and anxiety over skin problems are extremely common and you are not alone! There are many caring therapists who will work with you to help get your life back on track.

Despite this all being quite personal, I am putting it out there because I think it's something that so many of us are dealing with. Finding acceptance over being imperfect doesn't mean that we will give up on the fight for clear skin. It just means that we are choosing to love ourselves enough to decide that we deserve happiness, peace and relaxation. It means that we aren't going to sit around and wait for clear skin so that life can finally begin. It means that even if our skin never clears completely, we will still stand up and shout that we are worthy of all of the love and success that is possible in this world.

Healing, growing and maintaining a healthy self-image is an ongoing process. I'll keep at it and I hope you will too.

BDD, Anxiety and Healing Resources

(1)Body Dysmorphic Disorder Information
Body Dysmorphic Disorder Forum
Another Great Blog Specifically About Acne Dysmorphia
EFT Information
More EFT Information and Cheat Sheat
The Video That Taught Me EFT in Eight Minutes (And Changed My Life!)
Emotional Support Forum for Acne Sufferers at Acne.org

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

The Last Few Roadblocks on My Path To Perfect Health

Hey everyone!*waves*

There is a lot I haven't talked about on this blog just yet, and I was hoping to get into some of that today.

As I've said in previous posts, it's difficult to explain my entire health history because it's been a long--and sometimes maddening--journey. I have suffered from a lot of different symptoms over the years, from terrible depression and anxiety, to painful and disfiguring skin rashes, to constipation, to hormonal issues. A variety of things have helped me climb the ladder towards health, especially cleansing my liver with liver flushes, iodine therapy (which I no longer do but am interested in trying again in the future), fasting, and a high-raw, grain-free diet based around salads, veggies, fruits, meat, eggs and certain nuts and seeds. I've come a long way. I no longer have depression. I can now use the restroom more than once every 2-3 days. I no longer have chronic psoriasis all over my body.

However, there are still a few things I am battling, and I'm sure they are related in a number of ways. They are:

1) Acne
2) Hormonal issues (severe PMS, fatigue, bad breakouts around my period, extremely heavy bleeding and horrendous cramps that interfere with my ability to work)

Like I said, these two things are most definitely related. I have some theories about what exactly is going on in my body but I think I'll save that for another post because I want to explain it in greater detail. In this post, I just wanted to open up about my skin issues. I know you can't tell from any of my perfect-lighting pictures, but for about 10-11 years now, I've been battling cystic acne. I wouldn't even necessarily call my skin condition "acne," but I'm not sure what else to call it. I get cysts and lesions on my face that go very deep down into my skin and are extremely painful. During periods of my life, they have taken months to heal. At the level of health I've achieved now, they usually heal in a week or less, but they are still very painful and often leave dark red scars on my face.

This is something that is hard to talk about, especially on a blog where I show my pictures and true identity. People who have never suffered from skin issues just don't understand how traumatic and upsetting this condition can be. Acne sufferers remain lost in a sea of suggestions and theories, constantly trying new things, getting our hopes up, getting let down over and over again... I have been suicidal over my skin condition at times, and I know others have as well.

I have also, in the past, experienced times where I healed my body enough to clear my skin--with medication. I was coating harsh benzoyl peroxide based acne creams on my face 2x per day for many, many years. It helped, and along with an absolutely perfect diet and lifestyle, my skin was clear. But the medication has side-effects and after many years of using it I began to notice it drying and aging my skin. It also is expensive, and I hated having to rely on a chemical in order to look and feel relatively normal.

So, about six months ago, I decided to say screw it. I'm going to quit using chemicals on my face. I'm going to fight this my way. I want to truly heal my body and skin, not just medicate the symptoms of an imbalance. I'm going to commit to a natural, chemical-free path.  And I'm going to resist going back on the medication, no matter how bad my breakouts get. Breakouts are a sign of something happening in my body, and I want to be able to read those signs. When I achieve clear skin, I want it to be real.

I am proud to say that throughout this year, I have stuck to my commitment. Coming off the medication (along with straying from my diet) also led me to experience some of the worst breakouts of my life, but I've remained strong. I've only used natural things on my face, such as organic oils, honey, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, organic soap and clay. I don't think any of those things will heal acne on their own, but I have fallen in love with using natural products to pamper my skin.

As far as the internal treatments go, I am now following a regimen that is working better for me than anything I've done in a long time. However, I think any acne sufferer will be able to testify to the fact that often times we try new things that seem to work at first--and then we are incredibly disappointed when the acne starts returning. I don't necessarily think that is going to happen in this case (I really think I'm onto something here) but at the same time, I don't want to get my hopes too high. I can't say that I've cured anything just yet, but as of now my skin is looking better than it has in a long time, and I'm feeling better too. If these theories I'm following turn out to be right, it could possibly help many people who are suffering from this and other conditions.

I know that I could have been fake with this blog. I could continue to post pictures of myself with makeup and perfect lighting and pretend to be this clear-skinned, healthy, happy hula-hooping girl. None of my readers would ever know how much I've suffered in private. But I want to be honest. I want this blog to really document my journey towards health and help others do the same in their lives. To do that, I have to open up about my problems.

I refuse to accept acne. I refuse to accept menstrual cycles that leave me feeling psychotic, drained and in severe pain. I don't think these things are signs of a healthy and normal functioning human body, and I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that I no longer have these issues in the future.

On that note, I leave you with a picture of me. A real picture with all of the makeup and flattering lighting stripped away. This picture was from back in August when my skin was a bit worse. I know many of you will think I don't look that bad, but I still hurt when I look at this. I remember those breakouts on my cheek and how deep they went, the aching pain they caused in my teeth and jaw. I remember crying because I felt so ugly and horrible. But despite how bad I feel when I see myself this way, I am going to care about myself anyway. I deserve love, peace and happiness, no matter what my skin looks like.

So here goes... *raises glass* To honesty and being real.

Thanks so much for reading. To all my fellow acne sufferers, I am with you on this journey. Please don't give up. We are in this together and we will find our answers.